Flutter and Dart’s value and future

Flutter and Dart’s value and future

I recently joined the Flutter and Dart team, and am excited to work with our developer community at a time when AI is moving quickly to enhance developer productivity and unlock new types of user experiences. I see endless potential in Flutter and Dart’s role in helping to shape this future. I’m equally inspired by the original vision for Flutter to improve the experience of building beautiful, performant, multi platform apps for any device.

Judging by the millions of talented and creative developers who support Flutter with contributions to the framework, or by building amazing experiences — it’s clear others see this vision and are motivated to help. And the core mission remains the same: to deliver a strong language and framework pairing, enabling creative developers to build beautiful, rich, and performant apps for any device. Let’s do this together!

Bringing Flutter and Dart into the Gemini era

Today we launched the Google AI Dart SDK, a new pub.dev package, google_generative_ai, and supporting resources; together these enable you to build your own generative AI-based features like smart chat bots, visual search engines, and image descriptions into Dart and Flutter apps using the Gemini API. Flutter and Dart’s cross-platform capabilities and this new SDK make it easier for you to build interactive experiences across platforms.

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